Utilizing scenario planning tool and simulation models to support entity deployment, command and control (C2) architecture, doctrines, parameters of weapon system, and mission planning (man-In-the-loop consoles). Officers take the advantage of scenario simulation to strengthen combat cognition from after action review and also to reduce the resource consumption and save cost of real exercise for organizations.
Support interconnectivity between simulations by using the Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) or High Level Architecture (HLA) protocols for simulated/real entities, weapon systems, and C2 messages communication to implement Synthetic Environment (SE)
Sort data from scenario simulation and generate after action reports for tactics and weapon system effectiveness analysis
Support mission debrief (after action review) for force deployment, route planning for ground vehicles, ships, and planes, and line of sight analysis for radars with 3D display
Support 2D and 3D map display with Digitized Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) and Compressed ARC Digitized Raster Graphics (CADRG) formats